Stanford Language and Cognition Lab

We're interested in your decision making when you come across some new toys.

This HIT should take less than 5 minutes. Please pay attention, thanks!

We will first begin with a sound test to confirm working audio.

Please make sure that your computer's sound is at an appropriate volume.

To play the sound, press the button below.

Please type in the name of the obect you were asked to find:


Imagine that you and your friend Bob are hanging out at Bob's house, and you see some of his favorite toys that you can try. There are three toys that you can play with.

Each toy was built with two possible actions (left vs. right) and designed so that when you perform the correct action, it will play music!

But each toy was designed differently and you don't know which action (left vs. right) will make that toy play music.

Which action would you like to try to make this toy play music?

Which action would you like to try to make this toy play music?

Which toy do you want to select?

Why did you choose this toy?

Additional information

Answering these questions is optional, but will help us understand your responses.

Did you read the instructions and do you think you did the HIT correctly?



Level Of Education:

Native Language:

Did you enjoy the hit?

Any other comments you have about this experiment?

Thanks for your Time!